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Investment Management

We Believe in the Importance

Of an Efficient Portfolio

At Generous Wealth Management, we actively participate in the markets in order to choose the most successful path for you and the development of your portfolio. By determining a target allocation between various asset classes (such as equities and fixed income), we aim to be consistent with the investment objectives that you convey to us.

Over time, we will periodically review your portfolio and implement changes that we deem appropriate. Whether this is target asset class allocations and/or the specific assets held in your portfolio, these updates are made with your goals in mind.

Together, We’ll Discuss:

Approach To Investing | Norwell  MA | Generous Wealth Management

Our Modern Approach

to Investing

Security Selection | Boston  MA | Generous Wealth Management

Security Selection

Risk Managed Strategies | Boston  MA | Generous Wealth Management

Risk-Managed Strategies

Tax Efficiency | Boston  MA | Generous Wealth Management

Tax Efficiencies

Ongoing Financial Monitoring | Boston  MA | Generous Wealth Management

Ongoing Monitoring

Portfolio Rebalancing | Boston  MA | Generous Wealth Management

Portfolio Rebalancing

Covering the Cost

GWM’s standard advisory fee is based on the market value of assets under management and is calculated as follows:

Account Value Annual Advisory Fee
$0 - $500,000 1.15%
$500,001 - $1,000,000 1.00%
$1,000,001 - $2,000,000 0.90%
$2,000,001 - $3,000,000 0.80%
$3,000,001 - $4,000,000 0.70%
$4,000,001 - $5,000,000 0.60%
Above $5,000,000 0.50%

Annual fees are negotiable, prorated and paid either monthly in arrears or quarterly in advance. The advisory fee is a blended fee and is calculated by assessing the percentage rates according to the chart above and applying the fee to the average account value throughout the period, resulting in a combined weighted fee.

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